The kids have been in school for about a month and a half. I was really looking forward to it, a little alone time in the morn, then go work lunch at the school. Bring Sky home get homework done, go get Justin, do stuff around the house and enjoy or evenings as a family....... Yeah that was the dream before school started. Now its more like this.....
Get up at 7am
Get my self ready
7:30am Pick out Sky's cloths and get both kids up
Make them breakfast
7:45 get kids to eat breakfast and yell at (at least one) to stop playing and get ready
8:15 everyone puts on socks and shoes, fix sky's hair, make sure everyone has homework folders, snack, backpacks, water bottles, my LPS bag and badge, purse and cell phone.
8:25 Head to car to go to school, get in car and remember something, run back in to house and get or do what every I forgot.
8:30 driving to school, get to school, give Justin a hug and say by and that I love him (so non of his friends hear), walk sky to class, pick her lunch choice
8:40 go to office to pick up the 2 kids in sky's class that take the bus and bring them to class
8:45 school bell rings, go in to sky's class and do volunteer work that her teacher has for me till 11am
11am eat lunch and start LPS work till 1:25
1:30 head back to sky's class and do more work for her teacher, stay till the bell rings at 1:55 or if there is allot of work stay till Justin gets out at 3:25.
Tue sky has dance class from 3:30-4:30 other days we get to go straight home, kids have a snack and I do my school work.
5pm start dinner and clean house (sometimes I just start dinner and leave the house for Mick hehe).
Do apartment work, school work, kids homework, Tue and Thur nights I'm out for YW and dance class.
8pm get kids in bed, do more school work, or finally sit down and watch a TV show with mick
10:30 go to bed and do it all over again.
O did I mention i baby sit for a hour before school and 1.5 hours after school every other week, so I have 1 more kid in toe, and on Tue I take another kid who lives in my building to school so some days I have 4 kids in my car gong to school.
I wanted to post all of this because life has seriously taken ahold of me and my dearest friends have been put on the back burner. Luckily they know I love them and they love me and still call to make sure I'm alive or to kidnap me for a girls night. Mick has been wonderful and really sees how much I work and has been picking up the things I couldn't get too. Poor guy has been working a few weekends here and there too (with no extra pay) and is so worn out, but he still makes time for me. Even though I'm a busy busy bee I feel so loved and needed and it feels good. I love my family and my friends very much and am so lucky they still put up with me.
Life is good :)
February 2017
7 years ago
Its good to read your blogs..missed you..I know about being busy...:)
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