For those who don't know, Mick and I took over managing the apartments where we live. Our good friends and passed managers Melissa and Ryan got us the job. Its been great! We are now in a corner unit 2 bedroom DOWN STAIRS!!! I love being down stairs exceptionally with the kids. Our living room is a bit bigger then what it was but the bedrooms are a bit smaller. The kids love that though cause we told them we will get them bunk beds. We have a dish washer!!! I cant tell you how much I love it all ready.
Then the lovely storage room. I have no idea how we fit everything we did in to our apartment. About half of what was in there is now in the storage room. Its so nice to have space and closets in our place now. The tenant's have been really nice to me so far. No one has really called or asked for anything yet. A few came over to introduce them self's witch I thought was kinda cool.
I have never really had to move so I didn't really think how i would respond to it. We switched apartments from a 1br to a 2br when i was pg with skyla but we didn't have much and I don't remember it even being that big of a deal. This time I couldn't get things put away fast enough! I felt claustrophobic with things every where. Mick laughed at me cause I got everything put away (except pics hung up) on sat once we got it all down. Its nice cause it all ready feels like home.
Best part of the move........J.D!!! Our friend J.D was one of the few guys that came to help Mick move down the heavy furniture. J.D and Joe brought down our big couch, and with Mick and Derick helping they tried for about 10min to get the thing through the door. Our couch is cheap so it had some give. Mick finally gave the OK to just jam the things in and J.D went at it. He was yelling "Mother of peril" "COME on baby" "Go on GO" "GOOOOO" "Come on"...... I was in tears on the floor laughing like crazy!!! The best part was they got it thought the door and Mick looked at J.D and said "Man you sound like you were coaching a birth" J.D said " It felt like I was". We all started cracking up like crazy. I wish I would have wiped out the camera for that one. All night I kept giggling about it and once Mick caught on to why I was laughing we both just started cracking up. Even now I cant look at the couch with out smiling.
Thanks for all the help guys you are the best :)
All in all we are settled in and ready for the rest of this crazy month of events.
February 2017
7 years ago
JD said that if you ever move again, you'll have to saw that couch in half :)
He always says "Mother of pearl"...that's his made of swear word I guess, and it seemed to do the trick. He is actually better at coaching labor. I think I'd get a little upset if he did that while I was in labor.
Just to clarify - we aren't passed, we're past. I didn't want people thinking we died or something. I'm glad you're all moved in and I can't wait to see how it looks with your guys stuff in it. You'll do awesome being the new managers!!! Enjoy the dishwasher lots!! I sure did. The one I have now isn't working.
Yes thats a typo sorry!
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