Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wow its been 6 months?!

I don't update this blog like I should, mainly because I just don't have the time and Im trying to keep up on my Weight loss one.

Photo dump :)

So back in Oct-Dec me and the kids (yep both kids) were in a play "A Christmas Carol"
Justin was Mathew Cratchit, Bells son, and ensemble, Skyla was Lucy Cratchit, Bells Daughter and ensemble (her fave part, she got to play a boy in one scene and NO one even her own dad knew it was her) that's some good acting right there hehe. Me I was Freds House keeper, Caroline, and ensemble. It was so much fun to do a play again, and best part was sharing it with my kido's.

This is Sky with our good friend Stephanie (she played the scarecrow in Wiz of OZ that sky did last summer)

All ready to go mic and all

At Freds (Scrooges nephew) party

Coraline and John and their 2 kids (love these kids!)

With Mr Scrooge

Dick and Bell and their 3 kids (Sky and Justin)

Me and Sky (dressed as a boy) back stage

Back stage fun :)
If you notice Justin isn't in many pics back stage, its because he was to busy playing with his 2 new friends, Max and Kadiance (both boys are just a year older then him) the 3 of them pretty much stuck together like glue.
This is our good friends Madiliyn, and Zell right before they left for New York, Madiliyn is in Matilda the musical on Broadway right now :)

Last show, the whole Cratichit Fam

After our last show we had strike (this is were we take the set down, separate all the costumes, and clean up the stage and back rooms) After strike we had some fun, then all went out for one last cast party.
Nothing like some arm wrestling :)

One of my best buddies Nicole :)

The funniest young man alive Brian Miller :) who right now is away at school in Las Vegas, this guy will be on stage really soon, so much talent.

One of my BFF's Christi, Love her to pieces, and man can this girl sing!!

My head shot, that was put in the lobby during the run of the show.

Once Christmas carol was over, I got a new job.......Running Dina Star Dancers!!!
Since Madiliyn was going to be on Broadway, Dina (her mom and my and skys dance teacher) had to move out to NY, I spent one month shadowing all of Dinas classes, and getting ready to start teaching where she left off. It has been the best 5 months, crazy, but fun. Dina and I have really made this whole thing work, we do choreography over the phone and Skype, and she still handles all the business stuff, I just worry about the kids. I love my job! This pics was of my first day teaching alone.

Sky had her winter concert, and was missing a few teeth :)

The girls in one of my fav classes, these girls love to be pushed in their dancing, and I have so much fun with them, best Friday nights ever!

For Christmas we went to my Aunts house, and this very crafty lady made matching PJ's for all the kids. Crazy, OMG what are you wearing PJ's are a tradition with my moms side for Christmas hehe.

My cute niece Emily even had a pair.

Along with all the other cousins :)
Left to right, Jessie, Kyele Skyla (they are all the same age, just a few months apart) Justin and Joseph (who are the same age as well)

Me, my cousin David, and my sister Niki

Me and Sky Christmas eve with new penguin pj's

We also had a new friend come and visit for a month, This is Holly or Elf on a shelf.
She was so much fun to have around.
Mick and I Christmas morn pre-coffee :)

After Christmas Carol was over I cut bangs and colored my hair red, what cha think?

I also was in the middle of training for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon,  this was after a awesome run with my friend Nicole.

Being crazy

A pic snapped on course at the Tinkerbell Half Marathon :)

I love these cups, so I had to get a Tink one at the expo

I also got to met Sean Austin at the Expo too, super nice guy :)

After the run with my Medal!!!

Me and my Weight Watcher buddy Roberta, she lives down by Disneyland, so we made plans to meet up, she has been a huge support. I just love her to bits.

A pic Mick got of my after the run
This year we went to our friends house (Star and Jose) to watch the super bowl with them and their kids, This year Star got me to play a $10 square, in a football poll, with people at her work. I bought 1 square for $10, how it works is your square determines what numbers you get like 7 and 2, So the last number of the score during the game needs to match your numbers, each quarter of the game has a different amount of money you can win, if your numbers are right......
Star and her fam are huge SF 49er fans, so I had to Kapernick wile I was there :)

Also helped that my square for the 4th quarter won and I won $400.00!!!!!

Just because I love her, all the girls wore niner stuff :)

Over spring break, the kids and I went to the Zoo, we haven't been in so long so it was nice, Justin brought my camera and took pics all day. These were some I found when we got home hehe.

If you haven't seen her lately, Sky now has glasses, here are some pics form her Head shot shoot with them on.

Both kids just auditioned for Beauty and the Beast, as of right now, we know they are both in it, just not sure what parts, Justin actually has a call back to play Maurice Bell's dad, tonight. Here are their head shots, they looks so big in these.

More up dates new....
Justin: Has a call back tonight, he is also very excited that he will be starting Middle school come Aug, we just went for the parent info night last week, and he filled out his elective sheet. He is sticking to music and has found (by pure accident) that he has a pretty good talent when it comes to playing instruments. Also we just found out (at his audition) when he wants to this kid can SING!! I mean he can sing, he has a great voice and from being in A Christmas carol, picked up reading music really easily. Its kind of scary to hand him sheet music to a song he never heard and hear him sing it on key. Best part he loves it, the acting/singing/being in musicals bug has bitten him good :)
Skyla: Has always been the go-get-her of our fam, she is a lot like me. She likes to try new things, and be out in the world. She loves doing plays, and is still a big dancer. Newest news for her, She won the Oro loma Poster contest.....again hehe, this is her 3rd year in a row winning. We don't know where she placed but she has won any were from $150-$700, yeah that's a lot of money for a 7 year old. We go to the awards dinner on the 28th of May, I will try to remember to update this blog so you all know what she got.
Mick: a lot has changed for Mick, his job of 10 years has now disappeared. The company he was working for was bought over and they closed his branch. Luckily the company that bought it over offered him a job. He doesn't mind the work but doesn't like working for this new company. Not to mention he took a $6 pay cut, assuming he was going to jut be one of the warehouse guys, and they have been having him do manger work since he got there. So he is basically doing the same job for less money. On the plus side, his boss from his last place is his boss here too :) so things will probably change soon, in the mean time its all working out, and he gets home earlier then he did before so that's nice :)
Me: Im busy as always and by choice. I auditioned for a play this past sunday, and have a call back on the 4th :) Its for Thoroughly Modern Millie, a show that's all dance, mainly tap....yep its right up my ally. Im also getting the dance studio ready for their first performance at the Fair, Still running the apartments, and still doing Weight watchers and running like crazy. So far Im down 82lbs and only 28 lbs from my goal weight. Im running a 5k on the 5th of may and getting so excited to run the Tinkerbell half again this coming Jan :)
Well that about does it for updates, sorry they are so far and few between. :)


Unknown said...

dang woman!!! you are so skinny!!! looking so foxy mama!!!! i can't believe how old and even cuter your kids are getting. miss you:)
ps cute red hair!