So if you didn't know Skyla is in a play "The Wizard of OZ" its a children's summer play and super cute. The kids were encouraged to go "all out" for their make up, check out my girly (I'm quite proud of my make up skills) :)
The play is super cute too by the way you can still see it, buy your tix at the last 3 shows are this Fri and Sat the 17th and 18th at 8pm and Sunday the 19th at 2:30pm.
After this she is auditioning for "A Christmas Carol" she was actually invited to audition by the producer of the play. She pulled me aside after the last Sunday showing of Wiz of OZ and said Sky has an amazing stage presents and feels she would be amazing for this part in "A Christmas Carol". I'M so excited, the way the lady talked was as if Sky all ready had the part :)
Who knows maybe my girl will have future on the stage or in the theater world. That would be one amazing career especially since she is so in love with it now.