Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hurricane Irene

So as most of you know my Mom and Dad and a lot of family live in Connecticut. Right now they are threaten by Hurricane Irene. Its kinda scary because there isn't much I can do to help and we pretty much just have to sit and wait to see what type of damage it causes. So please keep them in your prayers :) Also its a bit out of the ordinary for hurricanes to even hit CT but this one really seems like it will.

On a funny note the last hurricane the hit CT was named Gloria (my moms name) this one is Irene (her sister, my aunts name) hehe.

Monday, August 22, 2011


This year I am PTA President for the kids school (I have officially gone crazy and need to be put away for taking on this job). In my defence I was hijacked in to this position. ANYWAYS.....

The kids start school tomorrow ALL READY! So to day the last day of summer what are they doing?
Spending the day with their Auntie Kamie, wile mom works at the school doing PTA stuff :). At least they get to play with their cousins today and I know they will have fun cause they love it over there.

Summer was way to short. They only had 9 weeks of vacation and to be honest I'm not ready for them to be back in school all day yet. I have loved having them home and we have had a fun summer. Its so sad to see it end. Both will be in school from 8:45-3:25 that's a long day. Not to mention that 1 or both have something after school tue, wed and thur.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Birthday to.....


Yep today is my birthday and I'm very proud to say I'm now 30!
Its been a pretty fun and relaxing day which is always nice. This morning I was woken up by 2 very happy faces wishing me a Happy B-day with a plate of toast and waffles. Dad gave them the run down on how to use the waffle maker and before work today made the waffle mix, brought down the toaster and waffle maker, and wrote down directions to remind them what to do. They were some good waffles and I'm pretty impressed and proud by how independent my kids really are.

How cute do they look! you can totally see how proud of themselves they are its so cute.
Check out these waffles don't they look yummy!!
the best part I don't have to clean this....
Later on once I got over being lazy we head to a friends house and hung out most of the day. She gave me some yummy treats from her garden which I'm still debating if I want to share :). Now I'm off to a PTA meeting and night at home with my family.

Cake pops 2

So I never finished my cake pops post. Anyways here is how you make them.
1) get any flavor cake mix you want and back the cake according to the directions. Let them cake completely cool (best if left over night on the counter, do not freeze.)
2) brake the cake up with you hands till its all crumbled.
3) Add 1 can of frosting (I found Pillsbury was WAY sweeter then Dunkin Haynes so its up to you what you want to use but just take note)

4) mix cake and frosting really well together (it was easier to use my hands then a spoon)
5) take about 2 table spoons of cake and roll in to balls. Place on cookie sheet lined with wax paper.
6)Put cake pops in the freezer for about 10 min just to firm up.
7) Melt your chocolate (1 bag of candy melt from Michael's does about 30 pops, and you can get them pre colored)
8) dip one end of your pop stick in to the chocolate then stick in to the cake ball. Let harden (about 5 min)
9)Once you have sticks in all the balls. Dip completely in to the chocolate to coat. Make sure to let the extra drip off for a bit.
***For a special touch I put sprinkles on top wile the chocolate was still wet.
10) place in your cake pop stand and let them harden all the way.

Here are the ones I did for Skylas b-day along with the tigger tails which were SUPER GOOD!!!

I even got to make them a week later again for my friends Twins. Of course she has Boy-Girl twins so I got to make green and pink ones.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE DISNEYLAND!!! It was a place I always wanted to go when I was a kid but never got to. Its not like my grandparents didn't have the money to take me, it was that they were a bit to grouchy to enjoy much of anything. I didn't do much as a kid.
Anyways I remember drooling over the theme park commercials that came on Disney Chanel. The old Mickey and friend cartoons are some of my fave and I have seen every Disney movie ever made. I'm undefeated at Disney scene it and pride my self on my Disney movie knowledge. LOL :)
Then I grew up and met Mick and found out he wanted to go to Disneyland just as much as I did and that he never got to go as a kid ether. Well 2 kids and years of want later, we finally had the money to take our kids to a place that always seemed so out of reach.
Our first trip happened in June 2008 and was as magical I we hoped it would be. Its crazy to think the kids were only 6 and 3 that first trip. Last year with our income tax we got year passes to Disneyland and have used them like crazy. They were well worth the money and we saved so much on each trip with all the discounts you get.
Sadly our passes run out on the 25th of this month, so tomorrow we leave for Disneyland for our last trip for a wile. I think 7 trips in 3 years is pretty amazing (and 4 of those took place in the last 12 months, making up for lost time lol) and we have so many amazing memories of our trips. The best part is we were able to give the kids something that meant allot to us, and they have loved every bit of it.
When we get back of course I will post our pics. This really has been a year of magic and memories and as sad as we are to see it end (for a bit) we are excited for other adventures we will have as a family.