Monday, June 29, 2009


I had my Enrichment meeting with my committee last week, and I took Skyla with me. I brought her a coloring book and her box of crayons and markers to keep her busy. She was so well behaved and very cute, She was sitting behind us talking to herself very low. Once in a wile we could pick out what she was saying, she was playing house with her crayons and having them talk to each other. It was really cute! When I turned around to see what she was doing this is what I saw..... Needless to say I started laughing like crazy witch then started a giggle fit between My committee and Skyla. I love watching my kids imagination's work, and who knew crocks could also be used as pencil holders.

Chabot Space and Science center.

We took the kids to the Space and science museum this weekend. We have never been, and have heard some good things about it. The kids had fun playing with everything, Mick and I had fun learning more about space and space travel, best of all we where inside on a 90+ degree weather day.
I was how ever a little bummed at how much it cost to get in, that and the planetarium was broken. We got 2 movie passes since the planetarium was broke, but the screen is so big and you sit so close, and the video is so blurry that by the end of the 45 min movie Mick and I had head acks and just wanted to leave. We let the kids go play a bit more, took them to look at the telescopes then headed home.
All in all it was a fun time and I wouldn't mind going again in the evening time so we could look through the BIG telescope, and see the planetarium show.

Moon walker.

Pretending to be on the moon
Look no gravity on the Space Station
See I was there too :)

Swim class

We signed the kids up for a 2 weeks swim class and it was so worth it. Justin we had do it so he could learn form and how to be a more confident swimmer. Skyla we had do it because she was having some water phobia issues. Anyone who has gone swimming with us knows Sky will not get in the water. She likes to hold on to the sides and play on the stairs as long as no one is anywhere near her. She wouldn't let me teach her how to float or anything. So we tried swim class. The first day she cried as we left and was being really shy when we got there, but her teacher won her over and Sky got in the pool. Luckily the water is heated and she can stand in it.Putting her face in the water for the first time.

Learning how to float and kick on her back.
Keep those legs straight.
Everyday they got to go on a duck and kick on over to the deep end to jump off the side of the pool. Sky's in the middle.
She saw the other kids do it and got a tad scared cause they went under the water.
After a little pep talk from her teacher she did it!!! Now she LOVES the water and goes under every chance she gets.

Here are some pics of Justin in his class.
Going over safety rules.

Superman Swim.
Learning how to bring his arms over head.
Justin has always loved the water but now he can do more then just dog Patel, and class has boosted his confidence int he water like crazy.
Lots of swimming this summer for my 2 little fish.

Sarah J. had her boys take it too and Justin and Jonah got to be in the same class. Poor Graydon had to be given the tough love approach to swimming, but after the second day he was having a blast too. :)

Speaking of fish......

I would like you all to meet Junior He/she (we don't know what sex yet) is a baby Convict Cichlids. When we got our 10 gallon tank we got a pair of Convicts along with a few other fish. We though they where a male and female (they have a red coloring on their sides) but we where not sure. Well after about 2 weeks they started killing some of our other fish in the tank. They where doing this because they are VERY protective parents, and low and behold we saw eggs in the tank. Well those eggs hatched and most of the babies got eatin by the other fish or sucked up in the filter. Mick then took out the Convects and what ever babies he could and put them in a smaller tank on the counter. The mom and all baby's died but Dad is still going strong. This was about a 1 1/2 months ago. A few weeks ago Justin told us he saw a baby in the tank. We thought he was kidding cause we never saw anything (the baby was hiding in this volcano air thing we have in the tank). Then finally one day we saw him!!!! For Father's Day Mick got a nice 36 gallon tank. So we moved all the fish over to that tank and put the Dad in the 10 gallon and left Junior in the little 1 gallon tank (yes that's right we have 3 tanks). So now Junior is swimming around like crazy, has learned what food is and is still sleeping in his volcano at night. To give you a idea of how small he is, look at a dime and imagine a fish laying on it with out touching the sides (yeah that's how tiny he is). He is growing though and in a few months will be big enough for the "Big" tank.

Its pretty cool to see a fish grow from Egg to fish. I have never seen it before, and just because of that Junior has a special place in my heart. I never thought I would be attached to a fish but he is definitely one I would be sad about if something happened.
On side note Dad is doing well we just got him a new wife and hope to have more babies soon. Sadly these baby's will be used as feeder fish for some of our other fish we have. The circle of life :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day Mick!!

In 2002 you became a Dad. That little boy is growing up fast and looks up to his daddy more more every day. Thank you for being such a wonderful example for our son of what a Man/Father/Husband should be. Because of you he will grow up with high morel standards, be sweet and loving and have a wonderful respect for women. In 2005 you then had your heart stolen by a tiny little princes who is and always will be Daddy's little girl. Thank you again for being a wonderful example of what a Man/Father/Husband should be. I know the man Skyla will marry some day will be compared to you and she will expect him to treat her the same way you treat me (spoiled). :)

I love how much you love football and your fish. I love how you go in to things full heatedly and with such a strong passion for them.

I love how you will do anything for your family. Even wait in line for hours just so the kids can have a pic taken with their favorite Disney charter.
I feel so lucky to be your wife and am so grateful for all the fun times you have given to me. Thank you for always being supportive of me and the kids, no matter what we want to do.

The thing I love most about you is your sense of humor. You ALWAYS make me and the kids laugh and I love that your not scared to be silly.
You give our family so much everyday! I hope you really know how much you are loved and appreciated. Happy Fathers day sweetie! We love you :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pics of the kids

My good friend Melissa took pics of the kids for me yesterday. It was kind of a last min thing (thanks again Mel). WOW! is all I can say about these pics. They came out so nice and so darn cute its hard to just chose a few to have printed out. She is also making me a few fun ones of the pics so I can just print those out (like this black and white one of skyla). I'll post those as soon as she sends them. But for now enjoy this huge post of pics.